Liber's press release (PDF
Book's cover page (JPG)
isbn : 978-2-89578-636-8
éditions LIBER

Que veut dire accompagner?

Conseiller, soutenir, former...

Available, among others at the bookstores listed below, in Canada and France



Commercial distribution

  • Canada : Nomade Diffusion
  • France et Belgique : DG Diffusion
  • Suisse : Servidis


  • It is with pleasure that we will reference on this page all librairies that will request it (




Other countries

The book will be available in Belgium and Switzerland in the spring of 2018. Readers from countries other than Canada can order the book at or from éditions Liber.



Accompagnying features a thousand and one faces and presents itself under a multitude of aspects under various names - mentoring, coaching, tutoring,twinning, sponsorship. It is practiced in multiple fields of activity, in various settings and in different ways: learning, training, teaching, compassion ( assistance to the sick and underprivileged ) and many others. Nowadays it makes use of ICTs and even robots. This book paints a portrait of its forms, tools and missions. It is aimed at all those who already practice it, those who wish to engage in an accompanying process and those who simply want to deepen their understanding.

«Web tools allowing a relation between the accompanier and the accompanied must coexist in a kind of symbiosis with face-to-face accompanying and not try to replace it. This will facilitate the learning of knowledge, knowhow and even attitudes.» (D.B, B.D.)

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