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isbn : 978-2-89578-196-7
éditions LIBER

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Consommation et nouvelles technologies
Au monde de l'hyper



Editors interested in publishing English translation please contact author




Available in digital format





«New technologies now hold a central place in our societies. Computers, standalone or integrated in all kinds of machinery and equipment (including our own bodies), the Internet, mobile phones, music players, etc., keep us busy when we manufacture and use them, not accounting for the fact that they are often the focus of our conversations. They are no longer simply creatures of technology and goods available on the market, but also part of our culture and of our imagination. These technologies have transformed the economy and the rapport to work, and reconfigured our relationships, which are alternately and simultaneously virtual, global, instantaneous, ephemeral, superficial, and so on. Some of these changes are for better — emancipation from thankless tasks, increased circulation of information and knowledge, support of democratic practices —, others for worse — growing technological divide, individualism and selfishness, dependence, feverish consumption.

This book is not merely an historical record of different technologies. It aims to outline the benefits of technology as much as the abuses it can lead to, to demonstrate its close relationships with consumption and to explain why hyperconsumption and hypertechnicization of our world go hand in hand. » (B. D.)

isbn : 978-2-89578-196-7
éditions LIBER


Media coverage:

  • Interview with Jean Carette host of Entretiens, Broadcasted on Radio Ville-Marie (91,3 FM Montreal) December 24 and 27 2009. Audio of interview (MP3).
  • Interview with Louis Lemieux host of RDI en direct week-end , Broadcasted December 20 2009. Video of interview.
  • Article « La technologie a mené à l'hyperconsommation », publié par le journaliste Guillaume Poulin-Goyer dans le Jounal de St-Bruno le 11 décembre 2009.
  • Interview with Brigitte Trudel, editor of RND magazine. A book review was presented in the March - April 2010 issue.
  • Interview with journalist Pierre-Étienne Caza for the publishing of the «Au monde de l'hyper» article in L'UQAM newspaper, volume XXXVI, number 7, November 30th 2009.
  • Interview with Michel Gailloux host of the C'est la vie! show broadcasted on Radio Ville-Marie (91,3 FM in Montreal) Tuesday December 1 2009.
  • Suggested reading, Magazine Équilibre, Volume 4, Number 2, Fall 2009, p. 6.

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